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Invest 529 Investment Options and Performance

Tuition Track Portfolio

Investment Objective

The Tuition Track Portfolio provides a defined benefit based on annual changes in Average Tuition and preserves principal prior to and after Maturity. Participation in the Tuition Track Portfolio requires that either the Account Owner or the Beneficiary be a Resident of Virginia at the time the account is opened. No additional Contributions to the Tuition Track Portfolio are allowed after June 30 of the year of the Expected Usage Date.

For more information about how the Tuition Track Portfolio works, view the Tuition Track Portfolio Overview.

Virginia Public University Average Tuition1

Academic Year Average Tuition Unit Price Percent Change by Year
2024 - 2025 $15,500 $155.00 2.65%
2023 - 2024 $15,100 $151.00 4.14%
2022 - 2023 $14,500 $145.00 4.44%
2021 - 2022 $13,884 $138.84 1.82%
2020 - 2021 $13,636 $136.36 1.80%
2019 - 2020 $13,395 $133.95 1.40%
2018 - 2019 $13,210 $132.10 5.73%
2017 - 2018 $12,494 $124.94 4.46%
2016 - 2017 $11,961 $119.61 N/A

1Average Tuition and Unit Price values approximate enrollment-weighted average Tuition during each year and the Unit Price is 1% of each Average Tuition value. The information shown is for illustrative and informational purposes only. Performance results shown are hypothetical and not necessarily representative of past performance and should not be relied on to predict future performance. The cost to purchase Tuition Track Portfolio Units changes annually on or about July 15th.

Portfolio Fees

Unlike other Invest529 portfolios, no Asset-Based Fees are assessed on funds invested in the Tuition Track Portfolio. Fees for certain services or transactions may still apply.

Fee Type Percent
Asset Management Fees 0.00%
Administrative Fee 0.00%
Expense Ratio 0.00%

Investment Strategy

The Tuition Track Portfolio shall be invested alongside the assets of the legacy Prepaid529 program as determined by the Board. As a defined benefit Portfolio, no Account Owner or Beneficiary shall have any interest in the earnings on the Portfolio nor direct the investment of any Contributions or any related earnings, either directly or indirectly. The Commonwealth Savers Board is responsible for long-term Asset Allocation guidelines, Asset Allocation strategy and investment manager selection. At the Board’s direction, the Investment Advisory Committee is responsible for, among other things, interviewing, selecting and/or terminating investment managers, including mutual funds, which professionally manage the Tuition Track Portfolio. In carrying out these duties, the Board and the Investment Advisory Committee consult with the Board’s investment consultant, Mercer Investment Consulting, Inc., a registered investment advisor.

Investment Risks

Benefits are funded by Contributions to and Investments in the Tuition Track Portfolio and earnings on those Investments. Benefits accrue to Account Owners and Beneficiaries based on the annual changes to Average Tuition while preserving principal. There may be periods when Average Tuition declines from the prior year.

Tuition Track Overview

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