Purchasing additional Tuition Track Portfolio Units is simple. Log in to your Invest529 account and select Manage My Accounts, then One-Time Contribution. After you select the bank account you’d like to use for the contribution, you’ll be able to select your Tuition Track Portfolio account and the amount you’d like to contribute. Use the Tuition Track Calculator to determine how many additional units you’d like to purchase.
Every year Invest529 will calculate the Average Tuition at Virginia public colleges and universities, weighted by enrollment. That number is divided by 100 to determine the cost of an individual Tuition Track Portfolio unit. For example, if the Average Tuition for the 2021-22 year was $15,000, the cost per unit would be $150. If the Average Tuition for the 2022-23 year was $20,000, the cost per unit would increase to $200 for new units. The value of previously purchased units will keep pace with Tuition growth.
Yes. Funds can be moved from the Tuition Track Portfolio to other Invest529 portfolios. The value depends on whether the Tuition Track Portfolio account has reached the Expected Usage Date and whether the funds have been held for three or more years.
Tuition Track Portfolio units may be used for K-12 tuition. However, the value will be based on whether the units being withdrawn have been held for at least three years and whether the account has reached the Expected Usage Date. Tuition Track Portfolio accounts are designed to be used after high school.
Yes, account owners can transfer units to siblings, and to the members of the family of the student within the same generation of the original student who are eligible at the time of the student change. The Expected Usage Date will change based on the new student’s projected high school graduation date.
Account owners who were Virginia residents when their account was opened can continue to purchase Tuition Track Portfolio units after they’ve left the state.
The Tuition Track Portfolio Unit Price adjusts annually on or about July 15. Account owners will receive advanced notice of the price changes.